Saturday, December 22, 2007

my first published photo!

I recently received an email requesting one of my photos to be included in a website city guide called Schmap. The photo was of Darrell K. Royal Stadium from a UT game that John and I attended in Austin. I was quite excited and although it isn't the first photo shown for the stadium, I was quite pleased to be included.

Feel free to check it out.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Keep your eye on me

This is the beginning of a new endevor for me, my own business! In the upcoming posts, you'll be able to watch the development of a dream of mine for quite awhile. After prodding from friends and family, I finally feel confident that my creativity will find an audience.

For now, I'll be taking things slowly while I find my feet, but keep your eye on me - I'm ready to give this everything I've got!